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Sunday, May 13, 2012


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    Hello fellow bloggers, and welcome to my collection of blogs regarding my view/spin of the novel "The Great Gatsby." The purpose of my blog is to discuss the themes, ideas, and plot of Great Gatsby and spin it off with what I am thinking! With that being said I will incorporate the book with current events, since it is based in the roaring 20's, to let us look back at the past and realize how far we have come in time, but how slow we have progressed in civilization, or it can be vice versa....perhaps. I will read each chapter and post a blog, unless I feel it is more beneficial to combine chapters. I will than post what the hell I am thinking, and with that being said I will be more than glad to here what anyone else thinks, the more negative and debatable the response, the more I will enjoy to answer. At the end I will summarize my blogs and we will tackle the question: Has the American dream lost the pursuit of happiness, pursuit of freedom to work hard and keep the holy land the land of the free, or has the dream turned to who has what, materialism, and centralized around self pleasure? Because even us capitalist know the Statue of Liberty isn't holding a fiat currency up in the heaven to welcome the immigrants, the hurt, the poor, the hopeful.

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