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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Summary and Ending.

(The end of an empire- when it goes back on its principles that made it great)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeL9ov_yS18 [15]

Has the American dream lost the pursuit of happiness, pursuit of freedom to work hard and keep the holy land the land of the free, or has the dream turned to who has what, materialism, and centralized around self pleasure?

Yes, the American dream has become a pursuit of materialism and pleasure rather than being centralized around the idea of pursuit of happiness and freedom. Gatsby, attained wealth to catch his dream however his dream was as worthless as the wealth he attained. When he died Daisy never came, she never took his side during the confrontation because she was to shallow and had the life that she could not give up for Gatsby. She had centralized her self like a psychopath around her self image and her self-pleasure. The 1920's people consumed and consumed, however, at the end of the decade all the wealth did not make them any happier it made them go through a depression both economically and psychologically. America went from a state of individuals to a state of two groups: The haves and have not's. Freedom has become and illusion, because reality is people are a slave. Slaves of our T.V telling us we will be a bit happier if we get a new t.v or car, we will become way more liked if we attain an image in this car or this suit.

This is the last post and I would like to say this book has been inspiring because it helped me remember that the constitution was written with different intentions than what we have created. It also has made me very pessimistic. The dream of a spiritual state is over it only worked when people were oppressed, the idea of freedom prospered. Today, we are fed all this crap that we don't stop and think, shit this is an illusion, why the hell am I working 12 hours to buy that stupid t.v when I can be out on the beach enjoying life. Money runs the world, ironically it's worth nothing. We have placed the center of our attention in an object of no worth, so what does that mean for human civilization? I can't answer that I am just a slave to this system as everyone else and a 18 year old who's wisdom and knowledge is equivalent to a sand particle on a beach.

Thank You.

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