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Thursday, May 31, 2012

American Dream..my ass!

                              (Austrian economics and Ron Paul predicted the Housing bubble in 2001)
                                            http://img2.blogblog.com/img/video_object.png [9]

      I have been writing about this American Dream in this blog for weeks now. I have expressed how this system has evolved the dream from a spiritual attitude towards this effort of the attainment of wealth and power. I have looked at the social aspect without much of an economic perspective. This post I intended to look upon the American Dream of the industrial America Today in terms of Economics. The idea of coming to America and creating a better life has suffered greatly and this is all rooted in Economics. Economics is NOT the study of money, it greatly deals with the social shifts and the society as a whole. Considering 43 per cent of American believe that the American dream exists (Yahoo/ABC news)[12], what has happened to the 57 per cent?
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgntjT9gM3OWpWxhqOFciOKHDvoislIRpHSYvPvgYi9hk7OoytDdTAo50weqXKuR1TuClQbpQ_4O8MnewsWpxo1MOUY8RTZaKd3o60rM4uwGKQJcVhRhodsKoSKXE76Xg0DJkg_JytytoY/s320/bs.gif  [10]
     I am a fundamental Libertarian and the reason is because BOTH Republicans and Democrats are a corporate bitch that will avoid fundamental economic reasoning as soon as they are promised a financial bonus. And American government and big business is the reason 57 per cent of American have realized the American Dream is as bullshit as the WMD's in Iraq, Patriot Act, or especially the biggest criminal in history, the Federal Reserve. They are the reason why 1.3 million hard-working American's have yet to recover their jobs since the downturn in 2008(The Telegraph)[13]. They are the reason over four million of American's were left without a home and for the millions that had to resort to tents. They are the reason all these people that lost their home were evicted because banks rated the mortgages triple A, all rated by financial giants like Freddie Mae and Mac. Who are we kidding we have been given a package under our Christmas tree that looks like the most amazing present, however, once we unraveled it, its just a bunch of crap, while our buddy Paulson and the other cocaine rattled Wall Street CEO's are playing in the South of France with fancy toy's off ALL our Tax money.

     But what would I do? First thing I would do is audit, and properly audit the Federal reserve, note PROPERLY, to prove the criminality and put Bernanke and other's in jail . Secondly, I would slowly abolish the Federal Reserve, since it cannot happen in one night obviously. Than printing money on call? Yeah maybe in Greece they can do that, but In my regime I would only have a commodity standard, of Gold. Look at it this way, if money has an infinite supply and a finite amount of resources that is unsustainable. Bringing a commodity standard allows us to print money according to the amount of Gold, making it a finite resource, meaning we HAVE to spend it properly. Meaning spending money on missiles that cost thousands per one or million for a military aircraft or BILLION in Wall Street bailouts is not possible. This ultimately LIMITS government, and at the same time business is not as powerful. Risks that were performed in 2008 would no longer be taken because bailouts are not a possibility so responsibility is brought back to the business environment. Also, the Federal reserve is responsible for Booms and Busts. They increase and decrease interest rates, which increases or decreases the money supply either expanding or contracting the economy. Most of the time this does not co-respond to the market. 2008 is a prime example the expansion of the money supply allowed everyone to get loans and created a bubble. Once the market woke up and broke the bubble, the federal reserve did not care because they collected billions in interest while average citizens lost their home and every other collateral asset they had attached. Point is the first thing I would do is LIMIT government and business, bring back responsibility and the market to "Free Market". Oh, and charge half the dudes in government and wall street with fraud and whatnot because I forgot the Justice system was closed during 2008.. 

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhz2iOb8_QQmwdJlexMkYuDkP28u7u_6P9E5Aq4xcev3_jtvU-FT1Mw4ZmRLVMcimRkkFehqT3ucAHdq4_Zy6xkVXYTp_DzgUl0i07hjtb4jUTIqP8aLkB7XHw4sgiX5kGQjyzLQHOsKhg/s320/Federal-reserve2.jpg [11]
    The federal reserve and fiat money are my main concern and also because they are the most fundamental and simplest ideas to perform. There are many other economic measures. however, if you give people a system that is fair and where there money is WORTH something it is much easier to function. As of now America is bankrupt with 15 trillion in debt, once they reach 0.90 debt/GDP ratio, growth will further decrease and causing further downturns. If not fixed people will earn money but it will be worth less, we are getting robbed by the individuals we elect. The american dream is being robbed by the same men that pledge to preserve it. The state will recover one day I know it will, however, it will crash and burn the fiat system will crash and commodity standards will return. The economic perspective on wall street and Washington D.C is an illusion that is about to clash with Reality, just like Gatsby. Once it does it will die and no one will be at the funeral or there to care for the legacy because just like Gatsby the system is run by illegitimate schemes to acquire wealth and everything is a lie hidden behind a nice view.


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