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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Reunion

(This video is in regards to the class divide that was supposed to not exist in America.)
http://img2.blogblog.com/img/video_object.png [8]
     In chapter 5, Daisy and Gatsby re-unite and reconnect, however, will Daisy match to the expectation's of Gatsby? Daisy is the American dream for Gatsby, even after all the attained wealth, nice shirts from Europe Gatsby still does not have Daisy and as he came up from rags to riches in hopes for this girl he has envisioned her better and better each day. It is ironic because Gatsby lives a lie, a lie that he has said so many times that he believes it is true. And I believe the same has applied in regards Daisy. Gatsby, has exaggerated the truth, that even if she is a nice girl, she will not be as nice as she is in his head. This is lesson we should all take. We chase this American dream, everyday, hustling are ass' off and we envision this dream that we will have that perfect job, that perfect wife and home. Put it this way we all have had those nights where we envision it to be perfect, amazing and what not. However, our hopes are so high, that at the end of the night we return home disappointed. The same applies to the American dream. We have prioritized it so high and envisioned it to be so amazing, that for the one's that do achieve it, they look at them selves and are pissed off. Like this is it!!! We got ripped off, all that work for what!?  Gatsby, has placed his American dream above the clouds, and has fell so over heels for Daisy that he has lost sense with the cold reality. One thing we know about reality, it takes the American dream and kicks it right in the face. Well have to see how this plays out, but its just a designed crash course, in my opinion.

    Another important thing I found in chapter 5 is when Nick says that American's are unwilling to be peasants. I decided to research a bit and found that the idea the author intended was that due to Thomas Jefferson, a founding father, He wanted America to be different from Europe in regards to not have the feudal system of classes and casts. The land of the self improvement? I love Jefferson, but his American dream of the America he put down on paper was unrealistic and aimed to high as well. I say this because if the purposes was to avoid classes, than the American system has failed miserably. In the novel, we are exposed to the Valley of Ashes where Mr.Wilson lives in poverty, essentially in a dump, where a rich man takes his wife every weekend. Than were exposed to the class battle between even the riches, of west and east egg. The American system has carried the ideas of the Europeans of class well into the western world not by choice but by human nature. How could you have a system of self improvement if every man is on the same level, one man has to be better than the other for another to self-improve to be even better, its the dog eat dog world we live in.

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