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Monday, May 14, 2012


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  As I took the late night 35 Jane bus home from an 8 hour shift of busting my ass for minimum wage, realizing  how much I love school, I sat on the bus looking out the poorly cleaned windows and just started thinking. (This post is going to relate to the world we live in and the theme of the American Dream in the novel.) So anyways, I started to think how much I actually love work. I love returning home, tired, seeking to retire in my bed, that appreciation for my bed that has escalated after an 8 hour shift. I even started to think if I didn`t work id be bored out of my mind, I dont remember not having a job since 12. And this just struck me, holy shit the American Dream has shifted. It began as this spiritual idea of freedom, liberty. A beautiful idea, in fact, engraved in the constitution, and even the Statue of Liberty. This fueled the shift, as well as when American became wealthier, that Liberty and freedom with a bit of hard work allows individuals to prosper and become whatever they want! Well, you can't be a doctor if smoking dope all day is your idea of hard work, but you get the point. But the idea of becoming successful to better your life and family was amazing, even if it meant to pursue money, because it wasn't about the money at all. It was just an idea, especially for immigrants who had nothing and worked in farms and now they can have safer, better jobs, and an easier job. And this just prospered America to the country it has become. However, I am not sure when the next shift occurred, however, today as I sat in my accounting class a kid a few desks away insists he wants a high paying job without doing much work even if it means cheating. Problem is millions think like this guy. We have a generation that wants to make quick money, scratch the hard work, and receive the pay checks. Either the entitlement system will fail or these kids will face cold reality. However, for the few that are brilliant, yet lazy, they are supplied with a system that has a flaw that allows them to prosper. Large business and gov't have been the fuel for the lazy yet brilliant to avoid the ethics of business and morals, but proceed into the banks, create scams that rip off people and yet for the little work they put in and the much brilliance they have to scam people, they make a killing. Like I am starting to believe in the interview for JPMORGAN they ask you can you rip off an old grandmother, and if not to please leave the room immediately. By the way, I am not saying capitalism is bad, in fact, I love it and defend it on a daily basis.

    The year 2008, disgusts me because I hear it in every argument against Capitalism. When the banks failed in America, the non-hard working, cheating, fraudulent scums of wall street didn't get fired or put in prison, but they got a promotion, like are you fucking kidding me. Lets not mention in real capitalism they would be done, dead, over whatever,and don't worry there position and institution would be quickly absorbed and replaced. However, 2008 was the year of the economic collapse that was fueled by crony capitalism, and the idea of the new American dream. The new idea that we can get rich, the wrong way, but it doesn't require as much half work, and the pay is much better. Many people are hoping on this dream and it's going to kill the experiment of America.

    But what about the rest of us that work hard and bust are ass everyday, because that is most of the people in society. Has the American dream drifted like the gap between the rich and poor? I believe so. My generation is fighting for the opportunity that the kids of the 80's had. Economically at least. In 1984, a student can pay for university by working part-time during the summer, without a problem. It cost approx. with inflation 2 thousand dollars for a year in college in 1984, compared to 6 thousand in 2012. The problem lies that if I worked 40 hours for minimum wage for 12 weeks, I would only make $4,900, still not enough for school alone, forget books start writing on your arms and borrowing your buddy's book. So while, it is harder for the middle class to make money for school we have wall street CEO's running off with 300 million dollar bonuses, a promotion ALL ON THE FREE BY THE TAX PAYER. Fuck, I have to pay taxes for that? And than teacher's wonder why I hate mixed economies so much. It seems we have capitalism for the poor but socialism for the rich...not exactly who said this, perhaps, Chris Hedges, but the quote has stuck with me because it is so true of the new world we live in.

    I will continue to bust my ass and work hard and a climb the ladder in hopes of creating a ethical and proper business, because I don't dream to be rich, I have a dream and although its a secret, ill give a hint...its free!

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