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Monday, May 14, 2012

Hello my name is, Gatsby.

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     They call it the american dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it -  George Carlin.

     In chapter 4, we are introduced to THE man, Gatsby. Gatsby claims to have always been wealthy through his dead rich parents inheritance, educated by oxford and proves such far fetched theories by showing a picture of him golfing in oxford. When in New York, Gatsby is caught speeding he flashes a white card and he is let off. This guy seems to be the real deal, a movie like character or maybe he is just that an actor. Gatsby, has a lunch with Meyer Wolfshiem, the man who rigged the 1919 world series. evidently a sketchy dude, the idea that Gatsby can relieve the consequences of speeding, as well as deal with a man who essentially is a criminal of such high power, makes it harder to believe Gatsby is not in some sort of illegal activity. Gatsby is an example of millions in the 1920's. This was a period of no other, where people made million, many in which run the world today. Gatsby, represents how the idea of a moral and ordered America is paused in the 1920's and people basically say screw the system. The woman wear what they want, the man as well and the business individuals do the same. Bootlegging becomes an industry that is just as powerful as any other in the 1920's. The stock market crash also was associated with many individuals over valuing the stocks and schemes to rig the system. The fraudulent 1919 world series shows another portion of criminality in sports to make a quick and  easy buck. The 1920's were the era of the birth of the progressives, ideas that have corrupted the American dream for generations after.

    The 18th century in America we had slavery, beginning of the industrial system, however, it was an infant. The American dream for most people, especially the black community was that this land was for the free. Freedom was the dream. With the Industrial revolution, consequently with so much wealth being created, the idea had shifted. The dollar sign had replaced freedom, people chase it and even today. However, Gatsby represents that exact shift. He chases money technically, only because it will help him get an image. So in theory, we all chase money but not because we want money, we want the image that money helps give us. Gatsby, although a poor man has hid it through his army uniform, through his unread books, his wild parties, his lavish cars and home, however, it is all bullshit. Gatsby his not a success story because with the progressive era and the decay of morals of society, the idea of earning wealth through hard work in not applicable because Gatsby has bootlegged to his riches, further decaying the system of capitalism, showing people will do anything for money because they'll do anything for an image.

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    As I read this novel, I feel sorry for Gatsby, he has based his whole life around Daisy. He lives where he lives because of her, he attained all the wealth for an image she would accept, he holds parties hoping she comes, he is chasing a dream. This is equivalent to even myself, I bust my ass with two jobs to make money for university, to attain a degree to just be able to KNOCK on the corporate doors to let me climb a ladder that is so well corrupted that it's sickening that I actually want to be surrounded by such bullshit for the rest of my life. However, just like Gatsby I am also chasing a dream, and I need big coin for it and unfortunately saving the world does not pay well. We all chase a dream, and were almost all suckers because we chase it everyday, and in reality only a small portion of man and woman can say they have attained it. The dream picks and chooses and it comes to us, but we do have to meet it halfway so the hard work, sleepless night and stress is necessary and the other half is luck and destiny. Gatsby, his not a selected man, he will NEVER attain his "American Dream". Daisy, sat in her roadster and military man would come by the dozens and they'd go back the same way they came. And Gatsby is just one of those man who maybe he did get a taste of the dream and it felt possible, but in reality Daisy is not going associate with him, she already has the right last name, the right address, the right friends. And ironically, in society we have the big boys who are usually the biggest assholes, just look at the dudes in 2008 who stole millions from fraudulent banks, who got a promotion. And Tom Buchanan, is a good example. However, even he is unhappy, s unhappy he has to cheat on Daisy. This shows that the NEW American Dream is so shallow that in theory in is above God, but once you are controlling it, in your own hands, its not what you expected or wanted. Simply because freedom, the ability to enjoy being able to do what you want, say what you want, enjoy life the spiritual aspects of it fuel the soul with happiness so much more than a piece of paper or a Rolls Royce.

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